
Plenary speakers

  • Prof. Taiho Park POSTECH
    Prof. Taiho ParkPOSTECH
  • Prof. Dechun Zou Peking University
    Prof. Dechun ZouPeking University
  • Prof. Alex JEN City University of Hong Kong
    Prof. Alex JENCity University of Hong Kong
  • Prof. Tzung-Fang Guo National Cheng Kung University
    Prof. Tzung-Fang GuoNational Cheng Kung University
  • Prof. Chihaya Adachi Kyushu University
    Prof. Chihaya AdachiKyushu University
  • Prof. Junji Kido	Yamagata University
    Prof. Junji KidoYamagata University

Invited speakers

  • Prof.Yun-Hi Kim Gyeongsang National University
  • Prof. Bumjoon Kim KAIST
  • Prof. Han Young Woo Korea University
  • Prof. Jang-Hyuk Kwon Kyung Hee University
  • Prof. Kilwon Cho POSTECH
  • Prof. Boram Lee Sungkyunkwan University
  • Prof. Moon Kee Choi UNIST
  • Prof. Sung-Yeon Jang* UNIST
  • Prof. Do Hwan Kim Hanyang University
  • Prof. Hyunhyub Ko* UNIST
  • Prof. Hae Jung Son KIST
  • Prof. Jae-Wook Kang* Jeonbuk National University
  • Prof. Seok-In Na Jeonbuk National University
  • Prof. Lixin Xiao Peking University
  • Prof. Dongge Ma* South China University of Technology
  • Prof. Shijian Su South China University of Technology
  • Prof. Chuluo Yang Shenzhen University
  • Prof. Feng Li Jilin University
  • Prof. Qiang Zhao Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
  • Prof. Haizhang Zhong Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Prof. Xuyong Yang Shanghai University
  • Prof. Chuanjiang Qin Changchun Institute Of Applied Chemistry, CAS
  • Prof. Xiankai Chen Soochow University
  • Prof. Guijie Li Zhejiang University of Technology
  • Prof. Jianxin Tang Macau University of Science and Technology
  • Prof. Hui Xu Heilongjiang University
  • Prof. Yun CHI City University of Hong Kong
  • Prof. Zonglong Zhu** City University of Hong Kong
  • Prof. Feng YAN The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Prof. Gang LI The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Prof. Furong ZHU Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Prof. Lee Chung Sing City University of Hong Kong
  • Prof. Cheng-Liang Liu National Taiwan University
  • Prof. Shun-Wei Liu Ming Chi University of Technology
  • Prof. Hao-Wu Lin National Tsing Hua University
  • Prof. Li-Yin Chen National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
  • Prof .Chu-Chen Chueh National Taiwan University
  • Prof. Hsiao-Wen Zan National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
  • Prof. Yen-Ju Cheng National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
  • Prof. Ho-Hsiu Chou National Tsing Hua University
  • Prof. Jung-Yao Chen National Cheng Kung University
  • Prof. Chih-Wei Chu Academia Sinica
  • Prof. Chao-Yu Peter Chen National Cheng Kung University
  • Prof. Yi-Ting Lee Soochow University
  • Prof. Tzu-Chien Wei National Tsing Hua University
  • Prof. Naoya AIZAWA Osaka University
  • Prof. Seiichiro IZAWA Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Prof. Akira Baba Niigata University
  • Prof. Yongjin Pu RIKEN
  • Prof. Toshihiro SHIMADA Hokkaido University
  • Prof. Masakazu NAKAMURA Nara Institute of Science and Technology
  • Prof. Hironori Kaji Kyoto University
  • Prof. Hajime Nakanotani Kyushu University
  • Prof. Itaru Osaka Hiroshima University
  • Prof.Takayuki CHIBA Yamagata University
  • Prof. Natalie Lok Kwan LI Senior Editor, Nature Communications
  • Prof. Bin Hu University of Tennessee at Knoxville
  • Prof. Le Yang Institute of Materials Research & Engineering

*Invitation Sent, Awaiting Response
**Participation To Be Confirmed

Program at a glance (tentative)

Pdf file


The Garden Oriental Osaka